9. Pullman Reservation

Mail this letter May 29th or 30th for reservations.

Upon receipt of car and section numbers, mail to me at once.


White River, S.D.
May 29, 1934

Milwaukee Agent
Murdo, S.D.


Please reserve one Pullman section (upper and lower) through to Chicago on the eastbound train leaving Friday morning June eighth.

As soon as you can secure the space reservation from Rapid City, it would be appreciated if you would advise us at once of the car number and the section number. We are placing our little girl on this train to be cared for by representatives of the Traveller’s Aid, and they have asked us to forward this information to them as early as possible.

We will pick up the tickets shortly before train time Friday June eighth.

We will appreciate your acknowledging this request, and handling the reservation for us.

Yours very truly,

Mrs. E.A. Hutchinson

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